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Apply For A Grant

Receive Funding From The Foundation

What We Do

Apply for a Grant

Grant Guidelines

We accept grant applications once per year. A Letter of Intent (LOI) is due July 31, 2024. Current year grant recipients do not need to submit a Letter of Intent.

Grant applications for the 2025 grant cycle are due September 20, 2024. Please review the grant timeline below for other important dates. 

Our Mission: The REALTOR® Foundation supports local nonprofit organizations solving homelessness. We envision a central Indiana where everyone has a safe place to call home. 

The Foundation focuses primarily on the transitional housing needs and supportive services for central Indiana residents who are experiencing or are on the verge of homelessness as a result of, but not limited to, the following situations: domestic abuse, natural disasters, mental or physical illness, addiction, income loss, or other personal tragedies.

Applications may only be submitted online. A Letter of Intent is required by July 12, 2024. Current year grant recipients do not need to submit a Letter of Intent. If selected, an invitation to complete the grant application will be sent on or before August 1, 2024.  Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their request with the Foundation in advance of submission. Please contact Ben Carter, Executive Director, at 317-956-5255 or

Grant Process Timeline

  • June 1, 2024

    Application Available to 2024 Grantees

  • July 31, 2024

    LOI Due for Non Current Grantees

  • August 1, 2024

    Invitation to Apply Sent to Approved Potential Grantees

  • September 20, 2024

    Grant Applications Due

  • November 2024

    Notification of Status

  • December 2024

    Final award amounts confirmed and disbursed – Grants payable for Grant period

  • July 2025

    Midterm Report Due

  • January 2026

    Final Report Due

REALTOR® Foundation Letter of Intent Submission

Click the link below to be directed to our Letter of Intent form. You will need to create an account through SmarterSelect, our grants management system. If your organization is selected to apply for a grant, you will receive follow up information to complete an extensive grant proposal. Be sure to include a description of your request, an explanation of program services, and support data that demonstrates your need. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their request with the Foundation in advance of submission. Please contact Ben Carter, Executive Director, at 317-956-5255 or