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Who We Help

Serving The Most Vulnerable In Our Community

What We Do

Who We Help

The REALTOR® Foundation supports local nonprofit organizations solving homelessness. Our grantees serve our most vulnerable neighbors, ranging from survivors of domestic violence, individuals with mental and physical health conditions, veterans, families, LGBTQ+ youth, and so many more. The Foundation’s grant recipients provide safe and secure housing solutions that allow Hoosiers in need to heal, grow, and lead healthy and stable lives.

Success Stories

Charlene - Dayspring Center

WES - Pathway to Recovery 


Your donations are hard at work with our grant recipients. We are pleased to report their success in 2024:  

  1. Dove Recovery women engaged in trauma-informed programming designed to address their addiction and improve their overall well-being. 2,202 hours (2,587 individual sessions) of Peer Recovery Sessions were spent working to help clients with life skills, budgeting, accessing health care, and educational needs. 
  2. PourHouse moved 127 chronically homeless individuals off the streets of Indianapolis and into permanent housing of their choice.  
  3. Coburn Place offers compassionate support and safe housing choices for survivors of domestic violence and their children. 86% of their participants exiting the program obtained permanent housing.
  4. Outreach had 56 successful exits to permanent housing. They continue to equip and empower youth (14-24 years of age) facing homelessness to achieve stability and life transformation. 
  5. HVAF Employment Specialists provided employment assistance to 222 veterans. Of those, 114 veterans gained permanent employment

You made this possible! Thank you for being the key!